You must care about who is providing your forecast information, and I appreciate that!
So, in my own words, here is the deal... (warning, some "boring" lies ahead, and I claim no responsibility for any head bobbing, eyelid sagging, or just flat out sleep, that may be induced by the coming tidbits of generally interesting -to a small group of people- information)
1998 - Present (18 years)
Detailed short and long range forecasting, applying climatology and micro-scale differences to produce accurate snowfall total (and wind, clouds, temperature, etc.) forecasts for specific locations up to 6 days out, with great results.Valley Weather Service/
October 1995 - Present (20 years 9 months)
Agricultural Meteorology Consulting/ Forecasts, Ski Resort Weather Forecasts via, Agricultural Feed Commodities Reporting, all via web, email, fax.Some influential people in the weather field from whom I have learned more than anything a text book could teach -
Joe Bastardi- (AccuWeather/ Weatherbell)
John Coleman (founder of The Weather Channel)
Joe D' Aleo (first Director of Meteorology at the Weather Channel)
18 years as a professional weather observe
3 years as Upper Midwest forecaster for - focusing not only on short term weather but a heavy emphasis on long term trends in the 7-21 day range.
1990- Swimming - 49th in the World - Mens 1500 meter Freestyle (21st in the USA)
2015- 210 mile Canoe challenge from Crane Lake, MN to Grand Portage, MN - 149 hours. (I hope to be 24+ hours faster this year!)